Support | Drawing Techniques Non-Member

Drawing Techniques

Led by Kelly Rosa, LRMA Education Outreach Coordinator

Thursdays, August 16, 23 and 30

5:30 7:00 p.m.

Carriage House Studio

Working with graphite and charcoal, this class is for beginners and experienced artists alike, focusing on perspective and rendering and utilizing line, shape, tone and texture. The class is open to high school students and adults. All materials are included.


Cost: Members $25; Non-Members $35.

First Name:

Last Name:


Card Number:

CVV Code:

Exp Month (as 2-digit number):

Exp Year (as 2-digit number):

Street Address:

Zip Code:

What is seven + 3? (must be a number, not spelled out)


Cost: $35 per Drawing Techniques Non-Member


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